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How do you know if you’ve chosen the wrong Tenant Representative?

How do you know if you’ve chosen the wrong Tenant Representative?

How do you know if you’ve chosen the wrong Tenant Representative?

DATE: 2011-02-22

Here are 10 ways you in which you know you need to go back to the drawing board.

1. While the size of the spaces you’re shown seem OK, none are laid out remotely close to what you need.

2. When you ask if the suite can be remodeled, you’re told, “Sure, no problem.”

3. Your broker sends you a 50 page computer print-out of every building in a 20 mile radius and asks you to point out which ones you’d like to see BEFORE meeting you or discussing your business.

4. The broker is so familiar with the buildings you are seeing that the landlords actually let the broker put his name or his company’s name on a sign in front of their buildings.

5. The broker’s cell phone burns up from calling ahead to landlords from his car with you in it to check on availabilities- assuming it’s not one of those “friendly” landlords.

6. Three hours into the tour, the broker doesn’t know the name of your company or what you do.

7. You tour so many properties you end up having breakfast, lunch, and dinner with your broker.

8. The sign on the side of the broker’s car reads “Tours-R-Us.”

9. You can stand to not hear any more stories of how many BIG deals the broker did.

10. At the end of the tour the broker assures you you’ll get your first choice building and hands you a reminder card to call him in five years.

With a Tenant Representative from Synergy Real Estate Group we can guarantee you will not have a nightmare ending. At Synergy Real Estate Group, we provide value to our clients because we only work with tenants and can show them the complete market inventory as opposed to listing brokers that only show their own properties. We do not represent landlords and that allows us to avoid any conflicts of interest during the negotiating process. We have successfully helped businesses ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies locate space in Orange County. Contact us today and we can provide you with a free consultation regarding your office space needs. Remember, your primary business is running your company. Synergy brings a diverse “skillset” of not only the best but the most respected local corporate real estate tenant and buyer representatives in the US and Canada who specialize in office, industrial and retail space including 3PL Space, temporary office and warehouse swing space and executive suite space. Do the right thing by your business and call Synergy Real Estate Group today!

For more information, contact Synergy Real Estate Group, Corporate Advisory LLC. You can reach us at: (888) 979-7787 or visit us at:

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